Watch this 1-min video and witness my struggle to say “mindset shift.”

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My life’s purpose is to raising happy & healthy mamas so they can, in turn, raise happy & healthy kids.

This, along with avoiding doing laundry, has been my specialty since 2011.


I am French by birth and passport, Spanish by mother tongue, Finnish-Swede by marriage, gastronomically Japanese, and happiest in nature, anywhere. 

I received my Bachelor's of Science in Engineering from Tufts University and yet I won’t do anything without the guidance of a flip of a coin.

I'm a certified Wayfinder Master Coach, a certified Holistic Health Coach, a 200 hrs Embodied Flow Yoga Teacher, a Yin Yoga teacher, and the Village Crazy Mama.

Passionate about the future of Global Education, here is a podcast I started in 2021.

THIS is what fuels my heart. Mothering mothers via

Some very nice words were written about the mom retreats I co-facilitate in this Travel + Leisure magazine HERE.

I'd love to get to know YOU, with potentially equal amounts of insights to swear words. 


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P.S. HERE is my medium account

P.P.S. THIS is a talk I did at Green School Bali entitled “Raising Happy & Healthy Parents”